Student Voice


Opportunities for leadership begin late in the year when the Year 12s have departed. That’s when the school community elects the next year’s school captains and vice-captains. It’s a big event when aspiring school captains put their cases to a school assembly before voting begins.

Early the following year students have the opportunity to nominate for a wide range of leadership positions. Six students at year level are elected to the Student Representative Council that is chaired by the school captains (SRC).

Each tute group elects a tutorial leader from specific year levels each term. Houses elect captains and vice-captains at each year level with the Y12s becoming the house captain and vice-captain.

There are environmental leaders, wellbeing leaders, leaders in the arts (drama and music), leaders in the IRC (the library), for ICT, and for the Breakfast Club. Students are also encouraged to be leaders of a range of clubs and societies as part of Nossal’s co-curricular program.

Students take a leading role in information sessions for new parents and guiding prospective new parents and students around the school.

Whether they have a badge or not, all students at Nossal are encouraged to be leaders in all aspects of school life.

Student leadership plays a crucial role at Nossal.

“Leadership at Nossal is a dynamic, innovative experience that directly serves the students themselves. Where there is a need, there will be a leader and where there are students with talent and capacity, there are roles..."

“Leadership at Nossal is a dynamic, innovative experience that directly serves the students themselves. Where there is a need, there will be a leader and where there are students with talent and capacity, there are roles. Leadership is about empowering others, which is why, as school captains, we are not focused on how well we can lead but by but how well we enable others to lead with us. All students have the opportunity to be a leader at Nossal; whether it be a Tutorial leader, Wellbeing leader, House Captain, School Captain or other leadership positions, every Nossalonian has the opportunity to make their difference. One of the fundamental purposes of all of these roles is to continue to provide students with the ability to proactively participate in building the foundations and promoting this culture of leadership in our school. While also, developing their skills in relation to problem solving, communication and emotional intelligence that are essential for leaders in the modern world.

As School Captains, we are also Presidents of the Student Representative Council (SRC). The SRC is a powerful body in the school that empowers passionate student voice. We comprise of 28 unique, bold, capable students that are elected by their peers to carry forward the SRC; as well as our supporting teachers that respect and enable our ideas to come to life. Through the SRC students are able to learn how to create important and necessary change in a safe, exploratory environment and that’s a wonderful opportunity for all of us.  

The Nossal community always articulates that leadership is not just ‘about the badge’ and we see that at Nossal, everybody truly has the opportunity to lead in whatever capacity they can. All students understand that all of our actions represent and build the foundation of our school and we work actively to improve on ourselves. There is a wonderful sense of pride and dedication to Nossal that pushes us to be better, collectively, every day. Nossal students are incredibly generous in giving back to their school and using their talents and capacity in great ways, with an abundance of compassionate and caring leaders ready to step up and unite the school.

Charis Yang, Kiran Rajackal, Stacey Loizou & Reuben Kua – 2016 School Captains

Student / Teacher Interview Panel

At Nossal High School we value and trust our students to assist us to make decisions about the selection of our future teaching staff.

Interviews are held in Term 3 each year and all panel members are involved in extensive Merit and Equity training prior to commencement. Two students are chosen to accompany the Principal, Assistant Principal and a teacher specific to the domain being interviewed to form the interview panel.

Student involvement in the interview process delivers a strong student voice and perspective to staff and the school community.

“In May 2015, Nossal was featured on “Learning World” – a digital TV broadcast by Euronews which is transmitted through-out Europe and appears online. As part of this program they regularly feature different schools and systems from around the world who are innovating and breaking new ground.”
Learning World
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